10 Things I wish I knew at the start of my MBA

It’s been some time since an update on MBA Nights. To keep things rolling I thought I’d point you towards a two part blog series I did for the Adelaide University’s MBA blog:

10 Things I wish I knew at the start of my MBA

Part 1) 5 Things I wish I knew..

Part 2) 5 More Things

If you just want to cut to the chase, and see the list of 10 here it is (but do read the posts above, you’ll get more out of it):

  1. Don’t hand in safe assignments, be bold
  2. Group Assignments – Allocate someone just to do the editing
  3. Worry less about definitions and more about applying them
  4. Group Assignments – Don’t be afraid to use your company
  5. Read a wide range of business books and biographies
  6. Attend events, make sure people know who you are and that you know who they are
  7. Make notes all over your books.
  8. Get an ultra-portable laptop or tablet for comprehensive notes
  9. Really, truly understand the commitment you’ve made. Make sure your loved ones understand it and support you too
  10. Start a blog or a journal to record your journey & retain your knowledge

Any thoughts or comments on this one? Hit me up on either the Adelaide University’s blog, or below.