1977 Apple Marketing Philosophy

In 1977 Mark Markkula wrote a one page marketing and strategy position statement for Apple Computers. It was written as part of the company incorporation on January 3, 1977.

Apple was less than a year old and had only released the hobbyist Apple I. It was yet to really make an impact. Mark Markkula wrote:

The Apple Marketing Philosophy

1. Empathy

We will truly understand their needs better than any other company.

2. Focus

In order to do a good job of those things we decide to do we must eliminate all other unimportant opportunities.

3. Impute

People DO judge a book by its cover. We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software etc.; if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be percieved as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities.

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8 Factors of Low Price Sensitivity

How sensitive to price are your customers? Should you make that price cut to keep up with new entrants to the market?

Whilst this is obviously a complex issue, there are a number of factors to search for in your customer base that may indicate they are less worried about the price of your goods or service than you think:

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Vinomofo: Marketing Ownership Change

When a successful startup gets bought out how can you go about marketing ownership change so that the “sellout” label is avoided? By embracing it Vinomofo style!

Vinomofo, a daily wine deals startup from Adelaide was in this situation recently. They were bought out by a larger fish, Catchoftheday (COTD). It’s a great success story, something the founders can be very proud of. To give some context, I have taken some quotes from an AFR article that helps paint the scene:

They started out five years ago, driving a van around South Australia’s wine regions and filming their tasting experiences. That led to an award-winning online forum, qwoff.

They needed to come up with an idea to commercialise their work, and a wine daily deals concept was born:

When Mr Dry, 34, came up with the idea of an online daily deals site in early 2011, Mr Eikmeier was initially doubtful. Continue reading

Best-Worst Survey in Qualtrics

Can you do best-worst surveys in Qualtrics?

Not natively, but you can use existing question formats to achieve the same result.

How to do a Best-Worst Survey in Qualtrics

Option 1: Side by Side

This option gives the closest look and feel of a best-worst matrix, but has the negatives of repeated headers, and a non uniform screen width across the questions.

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